Items for sale.From time to time, there will be a variety of things we will offer on this web site. We will use these pages as a place to refer you to for descriptions, details of sale and pictures.
Current offerings:Can Motors: Small electric motors, "can" type, 12 volt, approx. 50 mA, appropriate for remotoring of model steam locomotives, or perhaps other uses. Brand-new, famous maker, $12.00 each, plus shipping. Discounts for quantities and advice on how to install them available. Pictures and detailed descriptions available here.
Caveats:There are no guarantees of satisfaction, intended use, or suitability of whatever product offered and delivered, nor are we liable in any way for your use of any item. However, we will strive to be forthright and honest in our descriptions, and try to provide appropriate remedies for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise from doing business together. Let us know if you have a problem, we’ll try to work with you. |
© Tom
& Maryann Knowles, 1996 - 2003 |